C.W. Automotive Services
Your complete car care solution
Safety - Reliability - Economy
Basic Car Maintenance
At Carl Wills Automotive Services, we appreciate that your car is something you rely on, something you need to feel safe in and something that you want to run for as little as possible, therefore we have devised a list of easy checks you can make regulary to ensure that when the service or MoT comes around, you are not left with a massive bill.
These few, simple checks take a few minutes and can highlight any problems with the car as they happen so we can fix it before the problem grows and costs you more. They are not, however, a replacement for a service or MoT.
Easy Checks
Tyres are important to be correct - a small defect could cause an accident or earn you a hefty fine and points on your licence. Therefore, you need to:
Know the correct tyre pressures for your car (you can find these in your car manual) and check them, making sure the tyre is cold as a warm one will provide you with a false reading. You can check these, and pump up your tyres, at most fuel stations
Check tyre condition by putting pressure against each one. If air is lost when this is done, you may have a puncture and will therefore need a new tyre
- In terms of tread, most car tyres usually have six small ribs across the bottom of the main tread grooves so when the tread surface becomes level with these ribs, the tyres must be replaced
The coolant in your car can help prevent the engine from overheating so it is important you follow these steps:
Check the water coolant level regularly and top up when necessary, ensuring the engine is cold
Have the antifreeze concentration checked before winter.
It's also important that you have sufficient amounts of antifreeze within your car all year round as it prevents the corrosion of the cooling system as well as stopping it from freezing.
For your own safety, and for that of those around you, you need to:
Check all lights, including indicators, brakes and foglights weekly. It may be best to do this of an evening so that you can ensure the lights are not dim and are instead clearly visable
Clean the area on and surrounding the lights
The engine of your car relies on there being enough oil for cleaning and cooling it. In its absence, the engine can come to some damage. Therefore you will need to use the dipstick at least every fortnight and before any long journey to check the amount of oil within the filter. Please ensure when doing this that the engine is cool and the car is on level ground.
At CW Automotive Services, we offer oil and filter changes as part of our services. If you feel your car is consuming high amounts of oil, you may have a problem with your engine and will need to get it checked out by one of our team.
Screen Wash:
It's a legal requirement that your wiper system works efficiently as it can prevent accidents on the roads. Especially in Devon with its many backroads and lanes, it's important that more than just water is cleaning the muck and grime off of your car. Ensure it is topped up regulary and check the levels at least once a fortnight.
A small chip on your windscreen can cost a small fortune if you leave it to grow. Ensure that you notify us if you have found any damage on your windscreen so that we can fix it before it grows, otherwise a new windscreen will need to be fitted.
Please remember that all of the advice given at C.W. Automotive Services is absolutely free and with-out obligation so don't hesitate to ring us on 07711 55 25 38 or drop us an email below if you have any queries concerning this guide or your car in general.